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Leadership Requirement for Knowledge Transfer via Halal Website

Jurnal Pengurusan dan Penyelidikan Fatwa Vol. 16 No. 1   (Page 36-51)

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Nurdiana Azizan (Author)
Nurhazwani Ahmad (Author)


Every leader has their own individual characteristics and way of achieving the goals and objectives for their organisation. This study aims to look into the leadership requirements for  in Halal product matters through the knowledge transfers via the halal website. This includes knowing the criteria of Islamic leadership and the relation on how it became the critical success factors (CSFs), the knowledge management and the application of Szulanski’s (2000) intra-organisational knowledge transfers (KT) model. This research has extended the application of Szulanski’s KT model to identify CSFs for internal and external KT in an e-government context.   Moreover, the case study was also conducted at one government agency in Australia “AUSED” and one government agency in Malaysia “MASED”. This is to investigate CSFs for KT via government websites. The findings state that management role in the organization is important to implement the objectives of the organization. It also suggests that the productivity of the organization depends to the management of valid knowledge through suitable styles of leadership. The leadership role is important according to MASED staff, in order to encourage usage of the website and to enforce rules and regulations pertaining to its operation. In contrast, the AUSED staff did not raise any CSFs that would relate to the role of management. From this paper, it can be analyzed the significant and relationship between the leadership and the transferring of knowledge. Consequently, due to the globalization, this study should be continuously updated.


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