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Outcomes of Negotiation on Halal Meat Business

Jurnal Pengurusan dan Penyelidikan Fatwa Vol. 16 No. 1   (Page 64-72)

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Norhayati Rafida Abdul Rahim (Author)
Mohd Nazmi Abd Manap (Author)
Alina Abd Rahim (Author)
Balqish Juliana Ali (Author)
Mohd Hazim Mohd Yusop (Author)
Musa Ahmad (Author)
Sukri Hassan (Author)


Halal concepts are now being put into practice, across multilayers of trade and industrial services worldwide. Syariah compliant certifications championed by NGOs, independent bodies and government agencies, allow acceptance of Halal certifications and recognition of products, as fit and Halal for Muslim consumption, for domestic uses, and exports. Today’s global market are now trending towards capturing the lucrative Halal trade, profitably, with common household items such as Halal meat, food and beverages, becoming more accessible globally. Other range of services, such as Halal hospitality, tourism, and Syariah compliant banking systems; and tangible non-food products, like cosmetics, pharmaceuticals and toiletries, are expanding to cater for the Muslims’ worldwide needs across the continents. This article focuses on the training that had been conducted by the Institute of Halal and Research Management (IHRAM) in the year of 2014 and 2015 on the Halal meat business international industry players, focusing on Pakistani meat produces, traders, importers and government authorities. Does the training provide opportunities in allowing negotiable terms and conditions, thus aligning strategies that will mutually benefit developing markets of halal meat in Malaysia, and Pakistan?  Can the training become a platform for smart partnerships and mutual recognition of bilateral trade negotiations, in halal meat production within differing nations? Can training negotiate linkages with halal meat importers from other countries and work actively in increasing the export level of Halal meat into Malaysia? This article, therefore, explain the complexity of negotiation outcomes and the challenges faced by the Halal meat traders of different countries to agree on common areas and establish sustainable relationships of future trade and bilateral communications to build the Halal industry linkages internationally.


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