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Al-Qanatir: International Journal of Islamic Studies vol. 5 no. 2   (Page 34-41)

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Siti Rubaini Mat (Author)
Asmat Ahmad (Author)
Mohamed Akhiruddin Ibrahim (Author)


Cloning has a broad definition. For Islamic scholars, human and animals cloning is mostly discussed. Despite conclusion made saying that human cloning is a contradiction to the nature of the creation by Allah SWT, molecular cloning on the other hand is beneficial for improvement in medicinal sciences and biotechnology. Research in the field of biochemistry, genetics and bioinformatics gives rise to developments of antibiotics and vaccination. In order to do so, genetic material is cloned and employed for humanity as expansion of knowledge. In this study, a simple experiment was carried out to understand the process of cloning for the simplest living organism; the bacteria. Then, authors would like to explore and list the benefits of molecular cloning from the perspective of a muslim scientist. A genome from UKM's soil; Aeromonas hydrophilla is selected for isolation and extraction; in order to get genetic material for a chitin-binding protein, CBP. It is a protein which is non-catalytic and essential for chitin degradation. Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) was performed on the particular gene once extracted, and it was successfully cloned. It was found that the optimum annealing temperature is at 69oC.  Having millions copies of the gene, the protein can be expressed and degradation of chitin can be studied. Cloning at a molecular level is an important tool to understand genetic engineering. These developments pose many new and challenging questions for scholars of Islamic Law, questions that need to be dealt with on the basis of the immutable principles set forth in the Quran and Hadith.


Keywords: Cloning, molecular, biochemistry, antibiotics, vaccination.


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