Gifted and talented students are individuals who possess high intellectual potential and the ability to solve problems. Among the uniqueness of their psychological needs is perfectionism and distinctive thinking style. These students place high standards of achievement in their lives. This study aims to identify perfectionism level and dominant thinking style among gifted and talented Muslim students and to see the correlation between perfectionism level and thinking style. Researchers used the Measure of Contruct Underlying Perfectionism (M-CUP) questionnaire by Agnes Mariann Stairs (2009) to evaluate perfectionism and the instrument of Sternberg - Wagner (1997) translated and modified by Ruslin Amir (2007). Quantitative data was analyzed descriptively and inferred using SPSS version 22. Based on the findings of the perfectionism stage, the mean score of perfectionism for gifted and talented students was 195.03. It shows that perfectionism among gifted and talented students in this study is at a moderate level of score between 143 and 224. For thinking styles, 13 types of thinking styles have been measured which are legislative, executive, judicial, monarchy, hierachy, oligarchy, anarchy, global, local, external, internal, liberal and conservative. The dominant thinking style among students by sequence are executive thinking, judicial, monarchy, oligarchy, anarchy, global, local, external and conservative. Whereby non-dominant thinking style among the students are legislative, hierachy, internal and liberal. The study also found that there was no significant correlation or relationship between perfectionism and dominant thinking styles (executive, judicial, monarchy, oligarchy, anarchy, global, external, conservative and local). Some suggestions were made to get a better understanding and help students with perfectionism and at the same time increase their level of thinking styles in the quest of producing future gifted and talented Islamic scholar.
Keywords: Gifted, talented, perfectionism, thinking, style.
Pelajar pintar berbakat adalah individu yang mempunyai daya intelektual yang tinggi dan mempunyai kecekapan dalam menyelesaikan masalah. Salah satu keunikan keperluan psikologi yang mereka miliki adalah sifat perfectionism (kesempurnaan melampau) serta mempunyai stail berfikir yang tersendiri. Pelajar-pelajar ini meletakkan standard yang tinggi untuk dicapai di dalam hidup mereka. Kajian ini bertujuan untuk mengenalpasti tahap perfectionism, stail berfikir dominan dalam kalangan pelajar pintar berbakat muslim serta melihat kolerasi antara tahap perfectionism dan stail berfikir. Pengkaji menggunakan instrumen soal selidik Measure of Contruct Underlying Perfectionism (M-CUP) oleh Agnes Mariann Stairs (2009) untuk menilai tahap perfectionism dan instrumen Sternberg – Wagner (1997) diterjemah dan diubahsuai oleh Ruslin Amir (2007) bagi mengukur stail berfikir pelajar. Data kuantitatif dianalisis secara deskriptif dan inferensi menggunakan program SPSS versi 22. Berdasarkan hasil kajian tahap perfectionism, skor min bagi perfectionism bagi pelajar pintar berbakat ialah 195.03. Ini menunjukkan bahawa perfectionism dalam kalangan pelajar pintar berbakat dalam kajian ini berada pada tahap yang sederhana iaitu skor di antara 143 hingga 224. Bagi stail berfikir, sebanyak 13 stail berfikir iaitu legislatif, eksekutif, judisil, monarki, hiraki, oligarki, anarki, global, lokal, eksternal, internal, liberal dan konservatif. Stail berfikir dominan pelajar ialah stail berfikir eksekutif, judisil, monarki, oligarki, anarki, global, lokal, eksternal dan konservatif. Stail berfikir tidak dominan pelajar pula ialah stail berfikir legislatif, hiraki, internal dan liberal. Kajian juga mendapati tidak terdapat kolerasi atau hubungan yang signifikan antara perfectionism dengan stail berfikir dominan (eksekutif, judisil, monarki, oligarki, anarki, global, eksternal, konservatif dan lokal). Beberapa cadangan diutarakan untuk membantu memahami tahap perfectionism pelajar serta meningkatkan tahap stail berfikir pelajar dalam usaha melahirkan pelapis bakal cendekiawan Islam di masa akan datang.
Kata kunci: Pintar, berbakat, perfectionism, berfikir, stail.
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