Al-Quran has mentioned about its function as cure and remedy for human disease through the word of shifa’ since 1400 years ago. Nowadays, Islamic medicine approach has been chosen as complementary treatment for physical disorders such as cancer, heart disease, kidney disease, and stroke. Islamic medicine practitioners usually implement particular Quranic verses in their treatment called ruqyah and also suggest to the patient to recite selected Quranic verses at all time of the treatment. However, those Quranic verses were not specifically related to those diseases in terms of its meaning. Thus, it is essential to revise the verses as to ensure that those Quranic verses were implemented in the right way and in accordance with its sacred status. This study attemps (1) to amass various views of mufassirin regarding to the interpretation of the word shifa’, (2) to summarize the interpretation of the word shifa’ through various views of mufassirin and (3) to determine the right concept of implementation of Quranic verses as the treatment for physical disorder based on the interpretation of the word shifa’. This study applies literature reviews method in order to obtain data from the text of the past and existing scholars and then analyses the data through inductive approach. Quranic verses give tremendous effects as cure or remedy for human disease physically and spiritually through the detailed discussion among mufassiriin and current researches. Therefore, instead of conventional medicine, this practice should be recognized and implemented among Muslim as complementary treatment.
Keywords: Shifa’, Medicine, physical, disorder, medicine
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