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Al-Qanatir: International Journal of Islamic Studies vol. 8 no. 2   (Page 29-39)

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Mohamed Abdullahi Gure (Author)
Suraini Mohd Ali (Author)
Harison@Hanisa Mohd Sidek (Author)


No doubt that high quality education and knowledge are critical elements for developing nations. However, the current situation of education in many Islamic countries is unsatisfactory as its system has failed to meet the expectations of its citizens in producing a balanced human in terms intellectually, physically and spiritually. To address the short-comings of education in the Muslim world, Muslim leaders are expected to make efforts to reform education. In the struggle to change and improve the quality of education, school leaders need to practice the Islamic principles of change. These principles facilitate and create a suitable environment where the change can take place smoothly, effectively and successfully. This paper aims at examining teachers’ perceptions towards their principals’ practices in handling the school management. The method employed in this study is quantitative approach. A sample size of 132 full-time teachers from three selected international Islamic schools in Kuala Lumpur-Malays were selected. The Change Facilitator Styles Questionnaire (CFSQ), developed by Hall and George (1999) was employed to assess the perceptions of teachers. The results showed that teachers gave their principals high ratings for their practices of the Islamic principles of change such as Shura (Mutual consultation), Itqan (perfection) and Tafaqud (awareness of the followers). The study also found no statistical significance of differences in the perceptions of teachers of different ages and different levels of education.


Keywords: Education, intellectually, physically, spiritually, schools


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