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Al-Qanatir: International Journal of Islamic Studies vol. 8 no. 4   (Page 52-66)

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Rosman, A.S (Author)
Yusof, F.M (Author)
Junaidi, J (Author)
Latif, A.A (Author)
Fadzillah, N.A (Author)


Water management is the activity of planning, developing, distributing and optimising the use of water resources under defined water policies and regulations. It is a highly important issue because water is the source of life and essential for all life on the planet. Quran as the primer resource for Islam gives a significant focus on water. As a Muslim, one has to submit his idea based on the teaching of Allah's words in Quran. Therefore this study analyzed Quranic principles on water management. This study was done qualitatively, where thematic methodology was used as the word water in Quran has been analysed, using content analysis method. The result of this study shows that Quran gives direction to water management, where the principles are man as a servant of Allah, a vicegerent of Allah, water is the symbol of life, proper governance of water, the supply of water is fixed and it should not be wasted, equitable sharing of water, water as a purification instrument spiritually and physically, Allah has made the universe including water as a subservient to people so to show gratitude to Him and to live in peace and harmony at ecological level, Allah creates water with its own nature from different sources to be used by the creation, healing and treatment with water, water is God's supreme reward to the believers in the heaven in the life hereafter, Allah gives water because of good action and withholds water because of wrongdoing, misfortune due to misused of water, and water as an instrument of punishment in the world and hereafter.


Keywords: water management, water governance, purification, cleanliness.


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