The Internet of Things (IoT) is a modern technology that is expected to bring significant impact in the information technology world. IoT generally refers to all electronic devices communicating through the internet. IoT is expected to transform existing modern technology from smartphones to smart environments such as smart watches for health monitoring, smart electricity grid, smart cars and drones for agricultural automation and monitoring of progress at construction sites. IoT technology is expected to mature in 2020 where at that time 33 billion devices will connect and generate 40 Zetabyte data. The development of this IoT promotes active life routines as well as scraping the normal life of the Muslim ummah gradually. In addition to this great technology, it is worrying of the extent to which the preparation and readiness of Muslims to accept the presence of IoT in their daily activities. Hence, this paper will discuss on the preparation and effects of IoT's presence in the development of Islam in all aspects such as social, humanitarian and economics based on scientific materials and reliable source of reference. Methodology used was mixed method; quantitatively and qualitatively. First phase was conducted by collecting data from questionnaire which involved 30 respondents in Faculty of Electrical Engineering UTM. Qualitative data collected in second phase using document analysis, where the data was collected from books and journal articles. The result of this paper is expected to help and provide reference for Muslims to meet this great technology and be prepared with the great impact of this IoT in the daily lives of Muslims.
Keywords: Modern Technology, Muslim World, Internet of Things.
Internet of Things (IoT) adalah satu teknologi moden yang dijangka membawa impak besar dalam dunia teknologi maklumat. IoT secara umumnya merujuk kepada semua peranti elektronik berkomunikasi sesama sendiri melalui rangkaian internet. IoT dijangka mengubah teknologi moden sedia ada daripada telefon pintar kepada persekitaran pintar seperti jam tangan pintar untuk pemantauan kesihatan, grid elektrik pintar, kereta pintar dan dron untuk automasi pertanian dan pemantauan kemajuan di tapak kerja pembinaan. Teknologi IoT dijangka matang pada tahun 2020 dimana pada ketika itu 33 billion peranti akan berhubung dan menjana data sebanyak 40 Zetabyte. Perkembangan IoT ini menggalakkan rutin hidup aktif sekaligus mengikis rutin hidup normal umat islam sedikit demi sedikit. Disamping teknologi hebat ini, amat membimbangkan adalah sejauh mana persiapan dan kesediaan umat islam menerima kehadiran IoT dalam aktiviti seharian mereka. Justeru, kertas kerja ini akan membincangkan persiapan dan kesan kehadiran IoT dalam pembangunan umat islam dari semua aspek seperti sosial, kemanusiaan dan ekonomi berpandukan bahan-bahan ilmiah dan sumber rujukan yang boleh dipercayai. Metodologi yang digunakan ialah gabungan data kuantitatif dan kualitatif. Fasa pertama data kuantitatif dikumpulkan daripada soal selidik terhadap 30 orang responden pelbagai bangsa dan jantina di Fakulti Kejuruteraan Elektrik Universiti Teknologi Malaysia. Manakala fasa kedua data kualitatif menggunakan analisis dokumen, di mana data dikumpulkan daripada buku dan artikel jurnal. Hasil daripada kertas kerja ini diharapkan dapat membantu dan memberi rujukan kepada umat Islam bagi mendepani teknologi hebat ini dan bersedia dengan impak besar IoT ini dalam kehidupan seharian umat Islam.
Kata kunci: Teknologi moden, Dunia Muslim, Internet of Things
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