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Nearness To God: Achieving Al-Sama’ Through Metaphorical Lyrics In Contemporary Nasheed

Al-Qanatir: International Journal of Islamic Studies vol. 16 no. 1   (Page 37-58)

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Mazlina Parman (Author)
Mohd Hidris Shahri (Author)
Nurazmallail Marni (Author)


Being a subject of debate in Sufism, the content of al-Sama’ has been explained by Ibn Arabi in a most detailed way. Relating to listening, al-Sama’ projects differences from one individual towards others as it depends on one’s perspective of the lyrics and songs being listened. Rhythm reflects emotions experienced by a human in daily life. In fathomizing the feeling, ones must maximize his application of listening. This research is aimed to analyze the concept of al-Sama’ of Ibn Arabi towards contemporary Malay religious songs (Malay nasheed). It is also to scrutinize the love metaphor portrayed by the nasheed’s lyric as the lyric is a vessel in achieving al-Sama’ theoretically. Based on al-Futūḥāt al-Makiyyah, the concept of al-Sama’ is analyzed using content and thematic analysis. Through Conceptual Metaphors Theory (CMT), three Malay nasheed’s lyrics are analyzed for its compatibility with the music and its ability to engender al-Sama’. The research shows that the highest level of al-Sama’, can be achieved when the lyric’s metaphors are delivered successfully within the song. Other factors are detected to encourage the deliverance such as the surroundings and the readiness of the listeners, inclusively, the motivational aspects either inner or outer. As conclusion, the highest level of al-Sama’ is unbounded by lyric and the song only, but it is gained also by the state of the readiness one’s experiences.


Ṣoḥīḥ al-Bukhārī

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N1: Tangis Sebatang Tamar        Cry of A Date Palm


Sedu sedan / Itu bak ratapan si kecil / Yang rindu belaian dan perhatian / Yang mendambakan kasih dan sayang / Dari seorang insan yang penyayang

The sobbing / Resembles laments of a little child / Who longs for caress and attention / Who yearns for love and affection / From a caring man.


Tangisan itu dari sebatang tamar / Yang sebelumnya menjadi mimbar / Sandaran Rasul tika menyampai khutbah / Diganti mimbar baru kerna keuzurannya

The cry was from the date palm / Previously was a pulpit / The Prophet’s support while delivering sermons / Replaced by a new one cause of its infirmity


Kisah tangisan sebatang tamar / Menyentuh hati, mengocak perasaan / Benarkah aku cinta, benarkah aku rindu / Sedangkan tak pernah gugur air mata ku mengenangkanmu The story of the date palm’s cry / Touching one’s heart, shaking one’s feeling / Do I really love him? Do I really miss him? / While never I shed tears thinking of you


Tangisan itu dari sebatang tamar / Yang sebelumnya menjadi mimbar / Sandaran Rasul tika menyampai khutbah / Diganti mimbar baru kerna keuzurannya

The cry was from the date palm / Previously was a pulpit / The Prophet’s support while delivering sermons / Replaced by a new one cause of its infirmity


Betapa kerasnya hatiku ini / Untuk menghayati perjuanganmu / Betapa angkuhnya diri ku ini / Untuk menghargai perjuanganmu

How hardened my hearts is / to appreciate your struggles / How arrogant I am / to value your hardships


Ya Rasullulah / Ingin aku menjadi sebatang tamar / Yang menangis rindu kepadamu O Prophet / how I want to become the date palm / who cried tears to you


Ya Rasulullah / Biarlah aku hanya sebatang tamar / Namun dapat bersamamu di dalam syurga

O Prophet / Let me be a date palm tree / But can be with you in heaven


Tangisan itu dari sebatang tamar / Yang sebelumnya menjadi mimbar / Sandaran Rasul tika menyampai khutbah / Diganti mimbar baru kerna keuzurannya

The cry was from the date palm / Previously was a pulpit / The Prophet’s support while delivering sermons / Replaced by a new one cause of its infirmity


N2: Seiring Sehaluan        One Direction Together


Kita laungkan Allahu Akbar Allah Maha Besar

We hail Allahu Akbar Allah is the Almighty


Hari yang indah / Senyuman pertama / Hulurkan salam ukhuwwah kita

A beautiful day / The first smile / The utterance of warm greetings of brotherhood 


Berpesan mengingati / Dituntut agama / Kita bagaikan satu keluarga

To enlighten to advise / Is insisted by the religion / We are a family


Silaturrahim ini tak akan terpisah / Kita jalinkan seperti Rasulullah dan Sahabat

The bond will never be broken / We bind it as the Prophet and his Companions do


Kita laungkan Allahu Akbar Allah Maha Besar / Seiring sehaluan satu cita dan impian /

Susah dan senang kita tempuhi bersama / Bertemu berpisah kerana Allah

We hail Allahu Akbar Allah is the Almighty / Together in one direction one ambition and dream / In ease and hardship we’ll get through it together / Meeting and parting for Allah’s sake


 Demi satu kejayaan / Perlu pengorbanan / Keazaman juga ketabahan

For one success / Sacrifice is needed / Determination and fortitude


Inilah kehidupan menuntut kesungguhan / Tak semudah indahnya khayalan /

Silaturrahim ini tidak akan terpisah / Berbahagia untuk selamanya Insyaa Allah

 This is life demanding sincerity / It is not as easy as a fantasy / The bond will never be broken / Blissful forever if Allah is willing


Kita laungkan Allahu Akbar Allah Maha Besar / Seiring sehaluan satu cita dan impian /

Susah dan senang kita tempuhi bersama / Bertemu berpisah kerana Allah

We hail Allahu Akbar Allah is the Almighty / Together in one direction one ambition and dream / In ease and hardship we’ll get through it together / Meeting and parting for Allah’s sake


Allahu Akbar Allah Maha Besar / Lailaha Illallah / Allahu Akbar Allah Maha Besar / Lailaha Illallah

Allahu Akbar Allah is the Almighty / There is no god, but Allah / Allahu Akbar Allah is the Almighty / There is no god but Allah


Kita laungkan Allahu Akbar Allah Maha Besar / Seiring sehaluan satu cita dan impian /

Susah dan senang kita tempuhi bersama / Bertemu berpisah kerana Allah

We hail Allahu Akbar Allah is the Almighty / Together in one direction one ambition and dream / In ease and hardship we’ll get through it together / Meeting and parting for Allah’s sake


N3: Kasih Padamu        The Love for You


Rasulullah dalam sirahmu / Ku temu tulusnya cinta / Demi umatmu berkorban jiwa / Sehingga hujung nyawa

The Messenger of Allah / in your life / I have found / the purity of love / For the sake of your ummah / sacrificing the soul / until your last breath


Kau diutus atas nama kebenaran / Dengan fasih lidah beri penjelasan / Sabar dalam apa jua keadaan / Tak goyah dengan ranjau tekanan

You are sent in the name of truth / Eloquently giving explanation / Patience in any situation / Firm in streanous hindrance


Walau diri bisa menakluki takhta / Tetap rendah hati penuh sederhana / Segalanya demi lillahi taala / Azimat yang berharga

Although self can conquer any throne / It stays humble and simple / Everything is for the sake of Allah Taala / A priceless charm


Rasulullah dengan hikmahmu / Terpancar syiar agama / Mengubah gelap menjadi terang / Menghapus jahiliyah

The Messenger of Allah with your wisdom / The Islamic teachings are radiated / Turning darkness into light / Eradicating ignorance


Rasulullah engkau tinggalkan / Semangat juang tertinggi / Membina satu aqidah /

Membangun iman dan di lapangan mujahadah

The Messenger of Allah you leave us / the highest fighting spirit / Building one aqeedah / Building up faith in the field of mujahadah


Dari Hadith dan al-Quran / Menjadi sumber cahaya pedoman / Hanya itu yang kau wariskan / Akan selamat di dunia akhirat

From Hadith and Quran / A source of guidance / That’s the only inheritance / To be safe in this world and the hereafter


Rasulullah terlalu rindu / Padamu junjungan jiwa / Di dalam senda yang utama / Menyambungkan kasih denganmu

The Messenger of Allah, longing for you / to your adoration of soul / In jest, you are the ultimate / Connecting love with you


Rasulullah dalam sirahmu / Ku temu tulusnya cinta / Demi umatmu berkorban jiwa / Sehingga hujung nyawa

The Messenger of Allah / in your life / I have found / the purity of love / For the sake of your ummah / sacrificing the soul / until your last breath


Rasulullah dengan hikmahmu / Terpancar syiar agama / Mengubah gelap menjadi terang / Menghapus jahiliyah

The Messenger of Allah with your wisdom / The Islamic teachings are radiated / Changing darkness into light / Eradicating ignorance


Ya Rasulullah Ya Habiballah / Pabila terkenangmu mengalir air mataku

O the Messenger of Allah O Allah’s Beloved / When remembering you my tears flow




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