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Identifying The Trigger Events Towars The Recovery Of Drug Among Former Drug Addicts In Klang Valley

Mengenalpasti Peristiwa Pencetus Terhadap Kepulihan Dadah Dalam Kalangan Bekas Penagih Dadah Di Lembah Klang

Perdana: International Journal of Academic Research vol. 6 no. 2   (Page 1-10)

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Normala Abu Hassan (Author)
Mohd Azhar Abd Hamid (Author)


This study explains the trigger events that have taken place through transformative learning among former drug addicts who have recovered from drug addiction in Petaling Jaya, Selangor. Drugs are the number one enemy in the world and also in Malaysia. Every year the numbers of drug addicts increase tremendously because of the lack of awareness of danger of the drugs. Previous studied on drug is focused on causes, factors and ways to deal with drug problems. However, in Malaysian context the researcher did not focused on the studies related to the transformation perspective of the former drug addict's. While the Western country the research is not focusing on the transformative learning process of former drug addict. Hence the objective of this study is to identify what constitutes a trigger that causes drug addict to perspective transformation (TP) on drug addiction. This study uses a case study and phenomenology design approach through a qualitative approach. A total of fifteen former drug addicts, National Anti-Drug Agency (AADK) officers, counsellors and peer counsellors were selected as respondents using purposive sampling. Semi-structured interviews, round table discussion documents analysis is used for data collection. Data were analysed manually by using phenomenological method. The findings show that former drug addicts have integrated trigger events during a transformative process of perspective. It can be concluded that this study also contributes to a clear and deep understanding of the rehabilitation process for former drug addicts. Abstrak Kajian ini menjelaskan tentang peristiwa pencetus yang berlaku menerusi pembelajaran transformatif dalam kalangan bekas penagih dadah yang telah pulih daripada ketagihan dadah di Petaling Jaya, Selangor. Dadah merupakan musuh nombor satu di dunia dan juga di Malaysia. Saban tahun bila penagih semakin meningkat kerana kurangnya kesedaran tentang bahaya dadah. Jika dilihat kajian yang kerkaitan dengan dadah tertumpu kepada punca, faktor dan cara mengatasi permasalahan dadah. Akan tetapi kajian yang berkaitan transformasi perspektif bekas penagih dadah kurang mendapat perhatian daripada para pengkaji terutamanya dalam konteks Malaysia. Manakala di Barat tidak memberi tumpuan terhadap proses pembelajaran transformatif. Dengan itu objektif kajian ini ialah untuk mengenalpasti apakah peristiwa pencetus yang berlaku yang menyebabkan bekas penagih dadah melakukan transformasi perspektif (TP) terhadap ketagihan dadah. Kajian ini menggunakan kaedah rekabentuk kajian kes dan fenomenologi menerusi pendekatan kualitatif. Seramai lima belas orang bekas penagih dadah, pegawai Agensi AntiDadah Kebangsaan (AADK), kaunselor dan pembimbing rakan sebaya telah dipilih sebagai responden dengan menggunakan persampelan bertujuan. Temubual separa berstruktur, analisis dokumen perbincangan meja bulat digunakan untuk pengumpulan data. Data dianalisis secara manual dengan menggunakan kaedah fenomenologi. Hasil kajian mendapati bekas penagih dadah mengalami peristiwa pencetus berintegrasi semasa proses transformatif perspektif. Dapat disimpulkan bahawa kajian ini turut menyumbang kepada pemahaman yang jelas dan mendalam terhadap proses pemulihan bagi bekas penagih dadah.


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