The Book of Bible has been adamant in interpreting the punishment of homosexsuality which tehatened the doer with death penalty. This is because, the homosexuality is regarded as against the values and teachings of Christianity. Yet, of late the prohibition and the threat have been new interpretations by some Christians tehologians. In return, homosexsuality practice has now been marked as human rights agenda. and its punishment. As such, LGBT is considered as human liberty. Therefore, this paper applied descriptive method to explain various interpretations of the biblical texts. The result shows that, the diynamic interpretation of the Biblical texts which largely influenced by liberalism ideology has changed the traditional understanding of homosexuality within Christianity. Abstrak Kitab Suci Bible secara jelas melarang perlakuan hubungan sejenis (homoseksual) dan mengancam pelakunya dengan hukuman mati. Hal ini kerana, homoseksual dilihat bercanggah dengan nilai-nilai ajaran murni dalam agama Kristian. Namun begitu, dewasa kini larangan dan ancaman tersebut telah diberikan penafsiran baru oleh para teologi agama Kristian. Kesannya, perlakuan LGBT (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexxual and Transgender) dilihat sebagai satu bentuk hak asasi manusia. Kertas kerja ini cuba menjelaskan secara deskriptif penafsiran terhadap Bible oleh para Kristian teologi. Hasil kajian menujukkan bahawa kepelbagian (dinamika) interpertasi terhadap teks-teks Bible yang dipengaruhi oleh fahaman ideologi liberalism telah merubah hukum homoseksualiti yang selama ini diharamkan oleh kelompok tradisionalis.
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